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July 24, 2019- CN Tower, Ripley's Aquarium, Kensington Market

Caitlin Yau

Today, the students were split into two separate groups. The first group consisted of students who had previously gone to the CN Tower and Ripley's Aquarium during the first week of the camp. This group went to Kensington Market with Ms. Tibbet and Ms. J. The second group consisted of students who had not attended the CN Tower and Ripley's Aquarium trip. The second group got the chance to go up the CN Tower and experience the wonderful view of Toronto from a great height. Both buses left at 9:00 AM, and both groups arrived at around 10:00 PM. Lunch for both groups was held at around 12:00 PM, and the Kensington group ate around that area, while the CN Tower group ate at the CN Tower cafe. After leaving the CN Tower, the group made its way over to the Toronto railway display, and looked at the trains for around twenty minutes before making their way over to the aquarium at around 1:00 PM. The aquarium group left to board the bus at 2:45 PM, and got back to school for dismissal at around 4:00 PM. The Kensington group got the opportunity to walk around Chinatown as well, and got back to the school at around 4:00 PM for their dismissal.

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